Thursday, February 1, 2018


Nedare Tree

I created a tree from a Baroque folk and hair. The Baroque theme folk is the first object that I choose to include in my creation. Because folk is a silverware that people use everyday for centuries. Folk is a necessary silverware for every meal that we have. We use it to pick up the food and place the food in our mouth. The second part of my art is Baroque theme hair style. Many of us like to take care of our hair everyday. We all want our hair to look nice, therefore we cherish it. These two object that I choose are what we care and need in our life. I want to create a tree out of these two things, because tree also has the same value to us. We need the benefit from trees, like we need folk, in our everyday life. They produce oxygen and keep life sustain on our planet. Thus, our responsibility is to take care and cherish the tree, like we cherish our hair. Because we don't want both our hair and tree to die out. I called this creation a Nedare tree.   

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